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New Government RFP and Bids

Government Contract and Bid Finder and Notification System (Bid Contract) is the best tool available to companies interested in the $2 trillion government procurement market. It helps you boost your revenue and profitability in this lucrative market by searching, screening, and notifying you of new government contract and government bid and RFP instantly, so you will never need to worry about missing an opportunity. Want to learn more before you sign up? Take a product tour to find out how Government Contract Finder and Notification System works for you.
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IDFederal, State, Local Government Contracts, bids, RFPAgencyLocationIssued燨n
1TSD - FTU 4 X 4 CREW CAB 4 Door FULL SIZE Pick Up TruckHI02/12/2025
2Maui Ho’oikaikai Partnership Strategic PlanHI02/12/2025
3NELHA AD Migration Assessment and RemediationHI02/12/2025
4Title III and Kupuna Care Home and Community Based ServicesHI02/12/2025
6Pre-ETS Curriculum Development and TrainingIA02/12/2025
7Food Items for CDC WarehouseIA02/12/2025
8Correctionville MG: Replace FurnaceIA02/12/2025
9Lawncare Services at Specific Rest Area Locations 2025-26IA02/12/2025
10Food Service for Iowa Law Enforcement AcademyIA02/12/2025
11Iowa Disaster Case AdvocacyIA02/12/2025
12Wildflower and Native Grass SeedIA02/12/2025
13Iowa Individual Assistance Grant ProgramIA02/12/2025
1418", 24", 30", & 36" Dual Walled Plastic Culvert Pipe - 20’ LengthsIA02/12/2025
15Commercial DoorsIA02/12/2025
16Lawn Care Service for District 3 parcels in Hinton and Sioux City, IowaIA02/12/2025
17AEA Purchasing SmallwaresIA02/12/2025
18Replace DOT Urbana Brine BuildingIA02/12/2025
19Palm Heights Drainage ImprovementsTX02/12/2025
20Spanish Language Translations and Graphic Design and Print LayoutTX02/12/2025

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