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New Government RFP and Bids

Government Contract and Bid Finder and Notification System (Bid Contract) is the best tool available to companies interested in the $2 trillion government procurement market. It helps you boost your revenue and profitability in this lucrative market by searching, screening, and notifying you of new government contract and government bid and RFP instantly, so you will never need to worry about missing an opportunity. Want to learn more before you sign up? Take a product tour to find out how Government Contract Finder and Notification System works for you.
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IDFederal, State, Local Government Contracts, bids, RFPAgencyLocationIssued燨n
1ESB ODOT Seaside Building Residing ProjectOR01/17/2025
2ESB – ODOT La Grande I-84 Crack SealOR01/17/2025
399W MP 4.31-4.54 Pavement Repair OR01/17/2025
42025-IFB-3021320 Greer ES Electrical Panel ReplacementVA01/17/2025
5COVB-25-101490 Ground Maintenance for Upton Drive & Culver LaneVA01/17/2025
6Amelia Cemetery - Wacker Neuson DW30 DumperVA01/17/2025
7Bid #25-02113-3125 Electrical Systems Replacement for the Henry County Administration BuildingVA01/17/2025
8ITB 25-37NB Mowing, Debris Removal, Graffiti RemovalVA01/17/2025
9IT Service Desk ServicesVA01/17/2025
10159448 NOVA Plumbing Maintenance and Repair ServicesVA01/17/2025
11Centerville Turnpike Phase II – Construction Administration and Inspection ServicesVA01/17/2025
12Uniforms and ApparelVA01/17/2025
13Archival boxes and folders bid opportunity OR01/17/2025
14CIS IT Strategic RoadmapOR01/17/2025
1599E and Tacoma Fence UpgradeOR01/17/2025
1699W Naito: 1st and Arthur Fence Upgrade OR01/17/2025
17Multi-Site Security Fencing Project 2024 OR01/17/2025
18Telephony Assessment and Unified Communications StrategyOR01/17/2025
19Elmonica Elementary School Office RenovationOR01/17/2025
20CPELL Trainer OR01/17/2025

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