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New Government RFP and Bids

Government Contract and Bid Finder and Notification System (Bid Contract) is the best tool available to companies interested in the $2 trillion government procurement market. It helps you boost your revenue and profitability in this lucrative market by searching, screening, and notifying you of new government contract and government bid and RFP instantly, so you will never need to worry about missing an opportunity. Want to learn more before you sign up? Take a product tour to find out how Government Contract Finder and Notification System works for you.
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IDFederal, State, Local Government Contracts, bids, RFPAgencyLocationIssued燨n
1Porter Avenue Improvements from SW 9th Street to South Union StreetState/LocalIA01/15/2025
22025 Traffic Signal Replacement Contract 1State/LocalIA01/15/2025
32025 Sewer Lining ProgramState/LocalIA01/15/2025
4Hamilton Drain Storm Water Improvements Phase 4State/LocalIA01/15/2025
5Southeast Connector from SE 30th Street to US 65State/LocalIA01/15/2025
6SW 9th Street Viaduct RehabilitationState/LocalIA01/15/2025
7Fairway MowerState/LocalIA01/15/2025
8Emerald Ash Borer Tree Removal and Stump GrindingState/LocalIA01/15/2025
9Request for Qualifications for Consultant Services for Lighting Design and Electrical FacilitiesState/LocalGA01/15/2025
10SAP 016-599-005 Bridge Over Spruce CreekState/LocalMN01/15/2025
11Request for Proposal - Strategic Planning ConsultantState/LocalMN01/15/2025
12Request for Bids - Eastview High School Activity Center Addition and RenovationState/LocalMN01/15/2025
132025 Rosemount High School Auditorium Sound System ReplacementState/LocalMN01/15/2025
14University Residential Internet and Network Management for MSU, MankatoState/LocalMN01/15/2025
15Catalog Development, Management and Publishing Software for Normandale Community CollegeState/LocalMN01/15/2025
16Trailer for Career Exploration for Minnesota North CollegeState/LocalMN01/15/2025
17Mobile Welding Trailing for Minnesota North CollegeState/LocalMN01/15/2025
18Dental Loupes & Lights for MS, MankatoState/LocalMN01/15/2025
191.913 mi. of ResealState/LocalMS01/15/2025
20Area I Renovations - PH1State/LocalMS01/15/2025

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