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Construction RFPs - Bidding Within the Construction Industry Part 2

The second form of procuring a construction service/product is named Design-Build. Design-Build projects are different from traditional procurement in that the general contractor performing the project has the capability to design the project (architecture), and build the project (engineering).

The Design-Build type of procurement is intended to overlap the construction phase and the design phase, which reduces time and speeds up the delivery schedule. One more thing, the Design-Build process usually will use a master builder model in order to meet criteria in which most modern projects are based off of. Under this model an architectural firm (the “master builder”) will be responsible, or at the least will have to answer to any delays, losses or defects that come along during the construction project.

Now that you have a basic understanding of how the bidding process works within the construction industry, do you feel you can take on a few bids? Yes? Great, then we will need to inform you of just one more thing before you start to do so; finding the bids. At FindRFP, this is what we do. There are a very large number of construction bids and RFPs on the market, which will take endless amounts of searching to find the specific one that your business can perform. At FindRFP, we take this step out of bidding process for you. FindRFP prides ourselves with our superior customer support line and unbeatable prices.

So what are you waiting for? Act now and sign up for the one week free trial today and open a new door to endless possibilities. We look forward to assisting you to succeed in doing business with federal, state and loca governments!

- FindRFP Team

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