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LED Technology, Lighting, and RFPs
More and more cities and municipalities around the world are retrofitting their orange-tinted streetlights with the latest, state-of-the-art LED lighting technology. Light-emitting diodes or LEDs are for the most part unregulated in the United States and many American cities have been hesitant to upgrade their lighting until there is approval for and some guidelines for the use of the new technology.

Despite the lack of regulation, more cities and counties than ever before are choosing to modernize their streetlights with brighter and more energy efficient LED lights. In fact, this year, both Jacksonville, Florida and San Diego, California partnered with General Electric to test GE’s new software-equipped LED lights.

There are many advantages to LED lights. They have considerably longer life spans than traditional fluorescent lighting, they are often brighter than fluorescent lights especially during the winter season, and they do not contain any hazardous substances like mercury or lead. There have however, been some concerns over LED lighting. LED lights can have significant glare which can reduce safety and visibility. It has also been suggested that LED lights negatively affect melatonin production in human skin, which protects against the sun’s harsh ultraviolet radiation. Further, it has been debated that LED lights may cause damage to the retina of the human eye.

For many cities though, these concerns have been outweighed by the benefits of LED lights. They are cheaper, brighter, and last longer, and an increasing amount of RFP’s for LED lighting are flooding into the government marketplace. In fact, in September of 2014, the Village of Grafton, Wisconsin awarded a more than $30,000 contract to Steiner Electric Company to provide LED flood lights enhanced with glare shield, a Color Kintetics Data Enabler Pro, and a 300 foot LED rope light, among other products.

Cities, counties, and other government agencies are always looking for ways to keep their streets, facilities, and campuses well-lit. And these communities are more and more often requesting contractors that can provide them with enhanced, LED lighting. Construction, maintenance, operations, IT, or any other firms and businesses that specialize in lighting must look no further than FindRFP to be able to find opportunities of interest.

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