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Government Contracting
Common Contracting Terms
Bid, Tender
Bidder’s Conference
Competitive Bidding
Contract Amendment
Government Contractor
Contract Value
Government Procurement
Government Proposal
Invitation to Bid
RFP: Request for Proposal
RFT: Request for Tender
RFQ: Request for Qualification
Federal Contract, Bid or RFP
Local, State Contracts, Bids, RFP
Military RFPs (Aircraft, Ships, Weapons, Munitions)

In 2012, the United States spent more on our defense budget than the other top ten spending countries combined. This means that defense RFPs, such as RFPs for aircraft, ships, weapons, ammunition, munitions, and America’s military are the most abundant when compared to other industries. There is no other industry that compares to the volume of military RFPs that are put out on a daily basis.

There are many defense RFPs to bid on, which allow for many businesses to win bids for the sheer fact that there are so many, and the more bids your business puts out, the better chance it gives your business to win a bid. Also, the department of defense states that half of all awarded bids go to small businesses, which surprises many businesses when deciding whether or not they are large enough to be bidding on these types of RFPs. On the other hand, defense RFPs may require a little extra work in order to prove to the department of defense or requesting agency that the work to be performed will be done properly. Some contracts will require multiple registrations; will need you to demonstrate that your business is capable of performing the task at hand, and requires much perseverance in order to win a bid.

Before starting to bid on military RFPs there are a few simple steps that need to be taken:

  1. Visit the Dunn and Bradstreet website in order to receive a “D&B” number. There will be online instructions provided, and you will usually receive your number between 24-48 hours.

  2. Register as a vendor with the federal government. You must be in the central contractor registry and be registered with the federal government before being able to bid. Within 2-3 weeks the central contractor registry will send you three codes that will be of great importance to your business if you want to start bidding.

  3. Stop by a defense procurement technical assistance center in order to learn how to send a proposal to federal government. If you or your business does not have experience with writing proposals for the federal government then this is almost should be a requirement for your business.

  4. Join Find RFP, so we can find all of the federal RFP opportunities for you. If you decide to find these bids on your own you will be wasting a lot of time and may never find the exact one you are searching for.

  5. Once signed up with Find RFP, you will receive bid opportunities through email on a daily basis. When you see an opportunity that interests you, contact the contracting officer in charge of the opportunity in order to completely understand the scope of work.

Find RFP will allow your business to focus on the opportunities and projects at hand, not search for them. Find RFP is another step that businesses who want to be successful take, and should take. Find RFP will save you and your business endless hours of searching for bids, and at the same time, provide your business with the exact RFPs it is looking for by the services and products it provides.

Be ahead of the competition and join Find RFP today!

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