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Defense Contracting, Military Development, and RFP’s
It is no question that the United States devotes more money to defense spending than any other country in the world. In fact, in 2014, the U.S. spent more on it’s military than did China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, France, the U.K., India, and Germany combined (pgpf.org, 2015). But this massive spending does not necessarily translate into increased safety and security at home and abroad. In fact, a recent article published in The Economist argues that America’s military is losing strength not necessarily in numbers, volume, or sheer conventional force, but in its technological capabilities and misallocation of resources (Economist, 2015).

During the Space Race of the 1950’s and 60’s, the U.S. looking to defeat its Cold War rival, the U.S.S.R., invested more in space and defense technology than ever before. America became a world leader in education, workforce, and military development. Many military recruits who were once rejected because of malnutrition were finally well fed because of improvements to the National School Lunch Program. But today, more military recruits than ever before are rejected because they are overweight and obese.

In recent years, the U.S. has invested much too little in technological development and far too much on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Weapons like precision-guided missiles, which were once an advancement of American and some Western militaries, have proliferated all over the world into the hands of some potentially dangerous enemies to global security (Economist, 2015).

However, this trend could be changing. The federal government sends out a multitude of military RFP’s and other contracts on a daily basis for services that range from weaponry and aircraft equipment to educational and training services. Defense contractors must look no further than Find RFP to be able to sort through the overwhelmingly complex array of federal military contracts and find opportunities of interest.

Works Cited

“The U.S. spends more on defense than the next seven countries combined.” (2015). Peter G. Peterson Foundation. Apr. 13. Web.

“Why Americas military is losing its edge.” (2015). The Economist. Jun 11. Web.

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