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Education in the 21st Century: Digital Learning and Tablets
School districts all across the country are investing millions of dollars into the purchase of high-tech gadgets for student use. Among the most popular products are Apple MacBooks and iPads, as well as, Google Chromebooks, Samsung Galaxy tablets, and Microsoft Surface tablets. Many schools are turning to tablets and eReaders because today’s student lives in an increasingly digital world. Proponents of more technology in schools argue learning through an electronic medium customizes the contemporary learning experience and prepares students for a computerized society.

Opponents argue that an increase in technology will only lead to larger, more vulnerable, and less protected wireless networks in schools. But, it is hard to deny that tablets and eReaders offer students of all backgrounds a chance to succeed in today’s rapidly growing technological marketplace. Furthermore, tablets and eReaders offer a level of personalized education that would not otherwise be achieved with standard textbooks. For example, tablets and eReaders offer an easier learning experience to students with learning disabilities and other special needs with features like text zoom, color inversion, and speech enhancement.

These types of lucrative, technological contracts are becoming more and more frequent all around the country. For instance, in May of 2015, the Laredo Independent School District in Laredo, Texas awarded Apple Inc. a $4.07 million contract for Apple iPads, applications, and other services. At about the same time, Wauwatosa Independent School District in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin awarded a nearly $400,000 contract to Troxell Communications to provide 1,300 Chromebooks to its students.

This growing demand for computers, tablets, and eReaders will likely persist. IT vendors and other electronics suppliers, as well as wireless and telecommunication companies must look no further than FindRFP to be able to find a whole host of contracts for sophisticated gadgets and the wireless, IT infrastructure required to enable their use.

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