Education & Training: Government Procurement in 2020
Teachers and educators are often forgotten or marginalized. However, they are an integral part of the public education system and many more public and private industries. The industries that require education and training services are far-reaching, encompassing a plethora of platforms which affect many people, young and old. Many public schools, education centers, public non-profits, and other government agencies know this well and are always looking for those to educate children and adults.
Though schooling is typically associated with youth, for many, learning is life-long. There are many adult learning conferences, sessions, and seminars which often teach a particular skill or trade. There are also many adult learning environments that simply teach new concepts and ideas. In any case, whether it’s teaching a group of young people about drug prevention or coaching adults on leadership skills, the demand for educators and trainers is consistently high.
Not surprisingly, the education and training industry is a very profitable one. In fact, in June of 2016, the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction awarded a nearly $82,000 contract to McLendon & Associates to provide training with 17 North Dakota state-wide Adult Learning Centers to implement the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) requirements for career and college readiness, career pathways and integrated employment and training.
Schools, universities, and other government agencies are increasingly interested in procuring the services of the brightest, most experienced educators to mold young minds with liberal curriculums and guide adults to success in various fields. Teachers, tutors, and trainers as well as homework helpers, peer reviewers, curriculum developers, and educational coordinators and consultants will surely find opportunities of interest from FindRFP.
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